
In any household, there are umpteen chores to be done. Each and every member of the household should pull his or her own weight where household chores are concerned. In most households, chores are assigned to the various members of the household. However, if some members are forgetful or irresponsible, others do more than their fair share and become resentful. Or, older members end up doing the chores. If younger members are not reminded or chided from time to time, neglecting chores can become a habit with them.

We should not expect others to do things around the house which we can easily do by ourselves. When we are guilty of doing something wrong whether intentionally or otherwise, we should own up and not pass the buck or let some one else get blamed while we got scotfree. Of course, we would probably get scolded or punished when we own it up but if we apologise and promise not to do it again, it is very likely that we would get forgiven after a mild lecture.