Literary Devices


The poem consists of 4 stanzas. Each stanza is made up of 8 lines. There is no definite rhyme scheme. The style is simple and direct. The language and choice of words used is easy to understand as we can relate it to our daily life


There is a lot of imagery used to describe a messy house such as muddy footprints, spilled ink, boots lying around, pins all over. The poet has chosen words which appeal to the sense of sight, movement, sound, and touch. For example movement  Mr. Nobody moves around quietly; sight - cracked plates, door ajar, muddy footprints; sounds-squeaking door, pins dropping, plates breaking; touch  kettle boiling (hot feeling), oil the door.


Metaphors are also used to add effect to the mischief created by Mr. Nobody
For example: That squeaking door will always squeak,
For, prithee, dont you see we leave the oiling of the door to be done by     Mr. Nobody
**These two lines convey two meaning.
1)Mr. Nobody is too forgetful or irresponsible that he does not oil the door
2)Mr. Nobody is the element that keeps the family away  from conflicts- oiling refers to keeping everything smooth or trouble.


As quiet as a mouse used to emphasize Mr. Nobodys action of moving around quietly and unnoticed.


The word my Mr. Nobody is repeated at the end of every stanza to emphasize the mischief and mess done by none other than Mr. Nobody.